Seward Park Clay Studio RESIDENCY PROGRAM


                                                                Applications are Open     

Seward Park Clay Studio Resident Artist Program offers a variety of opportunities to clay artists to develop their skills and establish a community of support and professional connections. The program is designed to fit a variety of people’s needs with residencies from one to three years. These include one-year project residencies, 3-year community residencies, and 3-year work/study residencies.

All resident artists share a communal space where work and tools can be stored. Residents have 24/7 access to the studio, the kilns, and the support of a seasoned clay-artist group.

There is a monthly fee of $150 associated with this residency. There are limited need-based financial aid options available for the one-year residency, for those who qualify. Please click here to read the requirements and to fill out a form.


  • 2 Gas fired Kilns that are fired to cone 10
  • A variety of Electric Kilns are used for low fire work and to bisque high fire work. (We do not allow cone 6 electric firing in our kilns.)
  • Slab Roller
  • Pottery wheels
  • In-house high fire glazes and a selection of low fire glazes and underglazes
  • Variety of hand tools and molds
  • Low fire and High fire clays are stocked on site

SPCS residencies are not suited for production artists who are making a living off the work they make here. We do not have the capacity for that volume of work, and it is not a reasonable use of a subsidized community studio.


1. Project Residency – these are one-year residencies that are aimed at things like mounting a show, or developing a body of work that can be used to apply for school or representation. This residency, unlike the others, has the opportunity to apply for one additional, consecutive, term if needed.

There are limited need-based financial aid options available for the one-year residency, for those who qualify. Please click here to read the requirements and to fill out a form.

2. Community Residency – these three-year residencies are for people who want to be embedded in an active and working clay studio. They are also tasked with serving the mission of the studio by giving back through a variety of community-minded activities the studio organizes. There is a monthly fee of $150 associated with this residency and no financial aid options available.

3. Work/Study Residency – much like the community residencies, these are a 3-year residency. These are offered to fulfill the mission of the studio, while giving professional opportunities to folks who qualify for financial assistance. In exchange for working 4 hours a week in a defined role for the studio, these residencies are offered without cost to the recipients. These are solely needs-based, as a way for residents to pay their fees with time rather than money. They have the same rights and benefits as all other residencies. The work portion of this residency is managed by the Executive Director.

 *Residents cannot reapply sooner than 5 years from the completion of their last residency.


Submit a single PDF by email to that includes the following:

  • Personal contact information 
  • Resume
  • Artist statement
  • A personal statement telling us why you are applying to The Seward Park Clay Studio Residency Program, which program you are interested in, how it will benefit you, and what you feel you have to contribute to the studio community (250-500 words)
  • Ten digital images – each marked with title, medium, size, date, and a description or statement for each
  • Three references (contact information, no need for letters)


  • SPCS will put out a call for applicants no later than June 1st each year with applications accepted until July 1st.
  • Interviews of the top 10 applicants will occur during the month of July. 
  • Accepted artists will be notified by August 1st via email.
  • Accepted artists will have one week to accept before their offer moves to the next person available.
  • Residencies will begin the first Tuesday after Labor Day, September 2nd.


All applications will be reviewed and ranked by a committee made up of resident artists, administrators, and a guest juror. A select group of applicants will be chosen to then be interviewed by the Executive Director and administrators.


* All Residencies have the same requirements in terms of competency and studio use. To be considered, you must show proficiency in (or a willingness to learn) all aspects of the clay process, including but not limited to, mixing chemicals, firing kilns, and using all relevant equipment. The Executive Director will ensure that these skills are met.

* All residencies have the explicit expectation that residents will use the studio on a regular basis, they will be present as part of the community on a regular basis.

* Residents will adhere to all current guidelines in terms of size and amount of work, firing fees, purchasing clay, and additional chemicals from the studio. Those guidelines may vary depending on current studio usage and costs, but will be clearly communicated in the
Resident Handbook they will receive prior to being accepted to the RA program. If the regulations change during the course of the residency, that will be communicated by studio administration. The Resident Handbook is always open to revision based on conditions, and the current handbook will always take precedence, regardless of terms at the time of signing.

*Residents will participate in exit interviews at the end of a term. It is important to SPCS that we know how our residency program is serving people, and these interviews provide us with valuable information about how we can improve and change.